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I've grown professionally in the past few years. On this page I've shared some of my work with you. Below you'll find several pieces of work that I completed during my master's degree. These artifacts have been hand-picked to highlight a very important concept: 21st Century learning. The first five works displayed below illustrate my professional skills that I've used to exemplify modern teaching and learning concepts into my classrooms, both in-person and virtually. I've also included a few pieces of work that show my professional growth and development when it comes to teaching and learning overall. Through experience I've gained professionally and during my master's degree I've grown exponentially on my knowledge and opinions of education. These learning experiences that show my overall educational growth are shown in the last three artifacts below. 



What is 21st Century Learning?

This Adobe Spark video focuses on the meaning of 21st Century learning. At the core of modern learning are the 3C's: collaboration, communication, and creativity. This video defines these 3C's and provides examples of how I've implemented several concepts professionally. This artifact demonstrates my ability to provide unique assessments that encourage students to think creatively, such as inventing client friendly prototypes for grieving children during pet loss. You can find my entire blog post about this assignment here.


CAVM Lesson Assignment

This artifact demonstrates my ability to create a modern lesson plan with opportunities for students to learn both independently and with others. Students use their creativity to design online posters/flyers, share their work with classmates in small groups, and sharpen communication skills through verbal and written feedback. You can access this assignment and read my blog here.

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QR codes in the classroom

Creation and incorporation of innovative technology in any form for students' learning can be a challenge. Providing alternative methods to learn can be a major benefit to many students. This in-person lecture utilizes QR codes, informative YouTube videos, printed hand-outs, and hands-on stations to provide an innovative learning experience in my companion animal dentistry course. You can read my full blog here.


Acceptance of Failure in Higher Education

This artifact, an Adobe Spark page, is centered around acceptance of failure and the need for communication. This page presents the information I learned about students' perception on failure. To summarize, my students generally view failure negatively and one way I might change their opinion of this necessary process is by implementing more opportunities for self-reflection. This page includes a self-assessment that students in my nursing skills course complete throughout their semester. This is just one example where I use this very important skill of unique feedback, or communication, in my courses. You can also visit this blog here.

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Max Gets a Dental

This artifact is a digital game I created for students in my small animal dentistry course. A large focus of 21st Century learning is student-centered learning. To maximize students' understanding of content, many prefer to learn more on their own. This online game gives students an opportunity to take learning into their own hands, by playing along or making their own game, and uses their creativity to optimize their learning. Visit my full blog here, where you can also play this game-based assessment. 


My Assessment Checklist

This assessment checklist was created over an entire semester's worth of research. My knowledge of assessments, both formative and summative, has grown exponentially in the past few years. Assessments in the form of exams and tests are not always beneficial to student learning. This checklist includes what components I view to be necessary for an effective student assessment. Meaningful assessments that are fair are very important and this checklist shows my strength of formulating just that. You can view the full checklist and blog here.

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Final Reflection on Design Thinking

This artifact is an essay I wrote about the design thinking process. In this reflection essay I describe what design thinking means to me and how my view on this process, and teaching in general, changed. This essay shows my professional development and how design thinking can positively impact my students. To read my full essay, visit this blog post. 


Desire2Learn Growth

Educators often use digital platforms to provide the framework for online teaching and learning. I've spent time exploring these Course Management Systems (CMS), especially Desire2Learn (D2L). This platform is used by my VNP and students, so I performed some in-depth research on the features this platform provides for delivering the optimal teaching and learning experience. This deeper look at the features shows my dedication to seeking out the best forms of assessment and communication to aid in my students' success. You can read about these D2L features here.


Photos property of Alyssa Winslow unless otherwise cited.


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