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My Quest for a New Affinity Space


Updated: Jun 6, 2019

It's natural to gravitate towards people who share similar interests or passions. Maybe you have the same political or religious beliefs or enjoy the same hobby. Formed because of a shared interest, these groups learn from one another and have been termed affinity spaces by James Gee. According to Gee (2018), "within these affinity spaces, people are fully engaged in helping each other learn, act, and produce, regardless of their age, place of origin, formal credentials, or level of expertise" (New affinity spaces, para. 1). I applied this idea of affinity spaces to my connections used for professional learning.

I've been exploring my Professional Learning Network (PLN). A PLN is a term for where and from whom an educator acquires and shares the knowledge and information used in their profession. Below is my PLN map, comprised of individuals, literature, professional development, and social media.

Image created using Coggle

I've realized relationships and exchange with colleagues and educators at Michigan State University is how I gain much of my professional information. This affinity space is a strength of my PLN. It's important to have individuals to bounce ideas off of, receive feedback from, and collaborate with!

While I'm comfortable reaching out directly to a familiar face, my weakness is not utilizing social media to its fullest potential. I strive to make connections with others through social media platforms (follow me on Twitter @WinslowAlyssa). My use of social media is surface level, and I'm looking forward to diving in deeper. It's time to explore Twitter Chats and join a new affinity space where I can continue to grow and share.

Retrieved from Pixabay


Gee, J. P. (2018). Affinity spaces: How young people live and learn online and out of school. Phi Delta Kappan, 99(6), 8-13. Retrieved from .

Hassan, M. (2018, February 16). [Twitter Marketing]. Retrieved May 31, 2019, from

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