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Creating a Competency


I've been exploring the assessment features of the Content Managing System (CMS) Brightspace Desire2Learn (D2L). I've used many of the features, but had never used the Competencies feature. I created an assessment using this feature so I could get a better understanding of the tool and when it might be utilized in my courses.

In summary, instructors create required skills, or competencies, that students must complete. Competencies are linked to specific learning objectives that define what students will be able to complete or achieve once they've mastered the competency. Activities can then be linked to these learning objectives and associated competencies. It is these activities that students perform to become competent in the required skill. Activities can include other features directly in D2L, such as surveys, chats, discussions, or quizzes and can also include a wide variety of assignments linked to D2L. Manual assessments can also be included, where tasks like presentations or interviews take place outside of D2L but are still graded using rubrics within D2L. As students complete activities they are able to see their progress towards mastering such skills and what they are learning along the way. I recorded a brief screencast of this D2L competencies feature. You can view this recording in the embedded video below.

Other assessment features in D2L, such as those listed above, could also aid in student learning. Assessments should be ongoing and allow students to reflect on what they've learned and how they can continue to grow. Many D2L features can be designed in a way that fosters this reflection of learning. Assessments that provide feedback opportunities for both students and instructors are also important. Some D2L features allow instructors to provide private student feedback. Additionally, other features allow students to communicate or collaborate with classmates in real time or through projects or discussions.

I believe that D2L has a variety of tools for assessments. With the ability to customize nearly every feature, it is important that instructors know what key features must be included in assessments so they benefit student learning. Only with this knowledge can these features be used to maximize student learning experiences.

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